Here is something random I wrote, while waiting for my mom to arrive.
The hours go by, very slowly at that. Waiting here in the lobby, impatiently at that. Why does this happen? Who know, but all I do know is that I'll be here for an eternity. Maybe just an hour or two, who knows. All alon, without the tunes from my iPod to comfort me and to get me to sleep on this cozy but cold couch. When will she appear? I don't know. She isn't here. She isn't with Dad. What am I to do, but sit here and wait until something more interesting or appealing happens. Here, sitting alone, wiht noise and chatter all around me. People stare as they pass by me, glancing with curiosity. No one around me knows me. Missing my apprtment, my c omputer, my iPod, the TV, my daily rutine of excercises and many other things I cannot live without. Like my family, my 'American Girl' dolls, the generosity and greed of the people I know best.